Saturday, May 1, 2010

Today was a very busy day. We went to get a leather sofa and armchair from John's mom, and once we got it home continued to clean and organize things in the basement. Our end goal is to have a den in the basement. Some point soon we want to finish in a bathroom, spare room, and the den with walls, ceilings, and flooring--not quite sure when that will happen though; the first step is for me to get back to work and start bringing home an income again! It is amazing the things that I have found in the basement that I didn't even remember trying to stick to a "if you haven't used it in the 3 years it has been in storage, you don't need it" frame of mind as I organize.

Several of the neighboring lots have been sold and construction has started on them--we are disappointed to lose so much of our isolation, but it is neat to watch from our porch as the scenery changes before our eyes.

Probably the most exciting thing that happened today was Warren's "conversation" with his duck friend. We have an activity gym that we have the duck dangling down and Warren will just stare and coo at him...we also have a giraffe hanging there, and it is so neat to see Warren "telling" the giraffe everything the duck told him. Of course, John and I are probably putting way more into the activity than is actually there, but it makes it fun!
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