Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Trip to the coast...

Have bouncey chair--will travel!

Well I am apparently the kind of horrible mother who takes her 11 week old on a cross-Carolina trip solo! Warren did great until we got outside Raleigh and then he had the first of 3 fussy spells....but overall he was pretty good. I did find it complicated to try to "run" into the gas station and use the bathroom with him in tow, but we managed. Best part of the day--found strawberry puffs at a gas station in Kernersville. Worst part of the day--finding out my sister had a tonsil abscess and worrying about her; thankfully, she is better with some antibiotics!

On the road down we had a run in with a not-so-smart (trying not to use words like idiot in front of Warren) RV driver. Let me just say his RV plates were from Florida and his SUV plates were from Maryland...and I am surprised either state let him have a driver's license!

Of course we had to stop 2 times to nurse...I accidentally wound up at a McDonald's that is apparently a local after school hangout. We surprised and embarassed a truck full of high school boys--but, hey, they need to know first of all, breastfeeding is normal and ok, and secondly, you should never park beside a car that has isolated itself in the parking lot.

I received a sweet Mother's Day gift from Warren (with some help from his Grandma) today. It is a onesie that says "I Love Mommy" on it; I love it!

I don't know if I have mentioned this before, but Warren has developed some kind of tooth-like material on his bottom gum. It is about the size of a pinpoint, isn't bothering him, and isn't where the first teeth are supposed to come in. It also is on the side of the gum, not on the ridge of it. It is so strange, but I guess he wants to be different. I mentioned it to the dentist yesterday when I was there for a cleaning...he said it is probably some form of a natal tooth and that I shouldn't worry. Easy for him to say! Worrying is what I do best.

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